Wainstalls School Prospectus

The Challenge

Wainstalls School has changed a great deal over the last few years and the headteacher wanted a new prospectus that reflected the great improvements that the school has made. She also wanted the prospectus to portray the feel of a thriving school that is small, very friendly and the centre of the local village community.

The Solution

Working with the headteacher, we first decided upon the areas of content which we thought it was important for prospective parents to be informed about, such as curriculum and inclusion. We then added practical information which parents would want to know about, e.g. the school day, parents evenings and extra curricular activities.

We also thought it would be helpful to parents if they could read what other parents thought about the school. For this, a questionnaire was prepared, asking parents their views about their’s and their children’s experience of the school. The responses were then curated to put together a series of four parental perspectives on the school.

As a school is a professional establishment, the prospectus needed to be formal in tone, however, when we could, we decided to use tone of voice to show the welcoming nature of Wainstalls. We also thought it would be much more parent friendly if we left out educational jargon wherever possible and use standard English instead.

Internal Pages

Individual Content Areas

Parental Interiews

Day Turnaround

I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent copy you wrote for our school prospectus. It accurately captures what our school is like and succinctly explains everything parents would want to know. Will definitely use your services again.

Linda Waugh

Headteacher, Wainstalls School, Halifax

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